Recording multiple user IDs for a Certificate Express Logon macro
To record multiple user IDs, take the following steps:
- Click Record Macro on the Macro toolbar.
- Check Certificate under Express Logon Feature.
- Enter the Application ID and the screen criteria, including the first user
ID or password on the session screen.
- Continue with the wizard until you reach the Mulitple Logons window. Click Yes to log on to mulitple
- Once you click Yes to log on to multiple applications, continue recording your macro. Once you reach a
point in the macro
that requires another User ID and password logon, click Next on the Continue window.
You can also record mulitple user IDs and passwords by editing the macro's XML code:
- Click Record Macro on the Macro toolbar.
- Check Certificate under Express Logon Feature.
- Enter the Application ID and the screen criteria, including the first user
ID or password on the session screen.
- Use the Certificate Express Logon macro to complete the recording, including the second, or
last, user ID or password.
- Edit the macro using the Macro Editor.
- Click the Macro tab, select the macro you just recorded and click Edit Code.
- Find the XML input value tag that contains the user ID that you entered on the
screen in Step 4 and replace it with ")USR.ID(" string.
- Click Save.
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