Changing the current host session colors
This help file describes how to change color settings for your host session.
For an overview of host session color settings, refer to
Understanding session colors.
To change the colors of screen elements, take the following steps:
- Either select the attribute on the left side of the window or click an area of
the screen to automatically select the attribute.
The color mapped to that attribute appears in the Sample box.
The available categories and elements are listed under
3270 attributes, 5250 attributes,
and VT attributes.
- For Java 1 browsers, to select a new color, click the desired color in the color bar.
To change to an exact color, click the custom color icons to set RGB (red, green, and blue) values.
For Java 2 browsers, select the desired color from the Foreground and Background color drop-down menus.
If the color
you want is not listed, click the custom color icons to the right of the foreground and background fields to choose a new color.
This window
provides a variety of color selections capable of producing a range of contrast levels and
allows you to select custom colors based on their numerical values for hue/saturation/brightness values and red/green/blue
You can select the attribute Other > Screen Background to set the background color for all of the screen elements at once.
Any background color setting for the individual elements of the screen overrides the Screen Background color. The sample box
shows the actual background color being used.
If you wish to set the background for a particular screen element to the color black, but have the Screen Background set as a non-black color, you can
do the following:
- Set your screen background to the desired color.
- Set the desired element background to a Custom Color with a
RGB of 1-0-0. You cannot use true black (RGB value 0-0-0) because black indicates that the Screen Background color should be used.
You can select the attribute Other > Active Field to set the foreground and background colors
of the field where the cursor is currently located. This color setting is not applied to
protected fields. It is available for all terminal types except VT.
You can select the attribute Other > Crosshair Ruler Color to set the color of the Crosshair ruler.
- Click OK to accept changes made and return to the session.
Click Cancel to cancel all changes and return to the session.
Click Undo to undo the most recent change.
Clicking Undo repeatedly will undo all recent changes in the order they were made, up to the point of when changes were started.
Click Reset All to overwrite the profile customized colors to the program default colors.
The Reset All changes can be undone with the Undo button.
- The color mappings you specify will be used each time you launch
the session, and they will not affect the color settings for any other
3270 attributes
The basic attributes include:
- Normal, unprotected
- Intensified, unprotected
- Normal, protected
- Intensified, protected
The extended attributes include:
- Blue
- Green
- Pink
- Red
- Turquoise
- White
- Yellow
- Default intensified
- Default
The graphics attributes include:
- Default
- Blue
- Red
- Pink
- Green
- Turquoise
- Yellow
- White
- Black
- Dark Brown
- Orange
- Purple
- Dark Green
- Dark Turquoise
- Mustard
- Grey
- Brown
The OIA color attributes include:
- Status indicators (readiness, system connection, shift and modes, and insert-mode) inform you of the current terminal status.
- Information indicators (system lock and wait, which is the clock symbol) appear infrequently and do not require any particular action from you.
- Attention indicators (machine check, communication check, and program check) indicate unpredictable situations that occur from time to time in response to operator or system actions.
- Error indicators (what?, wrong place, too much data, numeric data only, what number?, minus function, operator not authorized, minus symbol, and rejected message) indicate conditions that the system regards as erroneous and occur whenever a given action has been made in a given circumstance.
- OIA background
The Other category has three attributes:
- Screen Background
- Active Field
- Crosshair Ruler Color
5250 elements
The field color attributes include:
- Green
- White
- Red
- Turquoise
- Yellow
- Pink
- Blue
The OIA color attributes include:
- Status indicators (readiness, system connection, shift and modes, and insert-mode) inform you of the current terminal status.
- Information indicators (system lock and wait, which is the clock symbol) appear infrequently and do not require any particular action from you.
- Attention indicators (machine check, communication check, and program check) indicate unpredictable situations that occur from time to time in response to operator or system actions.
- Error indicators (what?, wrong place, too much data, numeric data only, what number?, minus function, operator not authorized, minus symbol, and rejected message) indicate conditions that the system regards as erroneous and occur whenever a given action has been made in a given circumstance.
- OIA background
The Other category has three attributes:
- Screen Background
- Active Field
- Crosshair Ruler Color
VT attributes
The base color attributes include:
- Normal
- Reverse
- Blink
- Blink, Reverse
- Underline
- Underline, Reverse
- Underline, Blink
- Underline, Blink, Reverse
- Bold
- Bold, Reverse
- Bold, Blink
- Bold, Blink, Reverse
- Bold, Underline
- Bold, Underline, Reverse
- Bold, Underline, Blink
- Bold, Underline, Blink, Reverse
The history color attributes include:
- History Normal
- History Bold
The ANSI attributes include the following selections,
which you can use to set foreground color and background color for text.
For more information on using these selections, see
ANSI color attributes for VT Display sessions.
- Black
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Blue
- Pink
- Turquoise
- White
The OIA color attributes include:
- Status indicators (readiness, system connection, shift and modes, and insert-mode) inform you of the current terminal status.
- Information indicators (system lock and wait, which is the clock symbol) appear infrequently and do not require any particular action from you.
- Attention indicators (machine check, communication check, and program check) indicate unpredictable situations that occur from time to time in response to operator or system actions.
- Error indicators (what?, wrong place, too much data, numeric data only, what number?, minus function, operator not authorized, minus symbol, and rejected message) indicate conditions that the system regards as erroneous and occur whenever a given action has been made in a given circumstance.
- OIA background
The Other category has two attributes:
- Screen Background
- Crosshair Ruler Color
Import and Export Options
With this new enhancement, you can export the
Host On-Demand session color remap definitions to either the current session or
a file on your local system. Similarly, color remap configuration data can be
imported from a file to the Host On-Demand session. The Color Remap GUI panel
provides both Import and Export
buttons. Clicking on each button launches a file selection panel that can be
used to import and export color remap configuration data. By default the file
name will end with .col extension. If you manually type the file name in the
field and do not specify a .col extension Host On-Demand appends the file
extensions to the file you specify.
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