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Print Screen Setup

The Print Screen Setup window controls Print Screen, Host Initiated Local Copy, and Screen Collection functions.

The Print Screen Setup window appears in two different contexts:

The selections on the Print Screen Setup window:

If you are configuring a session, then the options you choose become the default options for the user, which the user can override at runtime (unless you Lock the options in the session configuration).

If you are running a session, Print Screen is affected the next time you actually print the screen (File > Print Screen). Print Screen Collection is affected the next time you actually initiate the printing of an image or images from the stored list (for example, Print Screen Collection > Print and Delete Collection).

Use Java print mode (Yes or No)

This pair of radio buttons appears only if you are configuring or running a 3270 Display session. (In contrast, if you are configuring or running a 5250 Display session, VT Display session, or CICS Gateway session, then the print mode is always Java print mode and you cannot change the print mode.)

Select Yes to use Java print mode or No to use non-Java print mode. For more information about these print modes see Non-Java print mode and Java print mode.

If are configuring or running a 3270 Display session and you select No (non-Java print mode), then the rest of the options on the Print Screen Setup window are disabled. To configure page setup and printer setup for non-Java print mode, start the session and click File > Printer Setup or File > Page Setup.

If are configuring or running a 3270 Display session and you select Yes (Java print mode), or if you are configuring or running a 5250 Display session, VT Display Session, or CICS Gateway session (which use only Java print mode), then the rest of the options on the Print Screen Setup window are enabled.

Enable host initiated screen copy (Yes or No)

This pair of radio buttons appears only if you are configuring or running a 3270 Display session.

Select Yes to enable host initiated screen copy.  The destination of the copy is determined by the Print Screen settings.
  • When you are connected to a TN3270 server, host initiated screen copy requests are always honored.  When connected to a TN3270E server, this request is only granted if the host request (WCC print bit) is between the BIND and UNBIND commands (LU-LU session).  Please refer to the IBM 3270 Data Stream documentation for further details.
  • If a TN3270E session connection is disrupted and re-established, the host initiated screen copy will not be honored until the next BIND is received.

Select No to disable host initiated screen copy.  This is the default.


Use these options to include a page header in the printed output.


Use these options to include a page footer in the printed output.

Special character sequences for headers and footers

Use the special character sequences in the table below to include the time, the date, the page number, or certain characters in headers and footers. 

Character Printed Result
&d or &D The current date.  The date format depends on your NLS locale.   (For example, the date format for the en_US locale is dd-mm-yy.)  
&t or &T The current time. The time format depends on your NLS locale.  (For example, the date format for the en_US locale is hh:mm:ss AM/PM.)  
&p or &P The current page number.
&n or &N The newline character.  This is especially useful for creating space between the header and screen image.
&& The ampersand (&) character.

Color Printing

Use these options to use color printing.

Note Normal background is defined to be the background color of the Normal character attribute background color.

Suppress print dialog when printing

If you click Yes, then when you initiate a print in Java print mode (such as Print > Screen), Host On-Demand does not display the system printer configuration window (such as, for example, the Print window on a workstation running Windows) but instead immediately launches the print operation.

If you click No, then Host On-Demand displays the system printer configuration window each time you initiate a print.

Use Multiple Print Screen Per Page*

Selecting this option allows you to print more than one screen per page. For example, two or four screens per page. If the page size cannot accomodate the number of screens chosen, an error will occur.

Page Setup

Click Page Setup to display the Page Setup window (see Page Setup (Java print mode)).


Click Printer to display the system printer configuration window.

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