Troubleshooting Guide

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Tracing on the server

Starting and stopping a trace

For a user

To capture a user trace to be viewed in the Host On-Demand administrator window, log on to the Host On-Demand client as the user. Follow the steps for starting and stopping a trace on the Host On-Demand client. Make sure you set the save location to Server.

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Select Server for the save location.
  3. Click OK.

For a service

To capture a service trace:

  1. Click Services.
  2. Select the service and click Start Trace. Make sure the service is started.
  3. Take the necessary steps to reproduce the problem. Trace messages for the service are logged.
  4. Stop the trace by clicking Stop Trace.

Viewing a log or trace file

Tracing and logging are always on for the server. Both log and trace messages are captured and displayed in the console. If tracing is turned on for a service, trace and log messages for that service are also displayed. If tracing is turned off for all services, only server messages are displayed.

To view the server trace file, click the Service and then click Server Log.

To view a service trace file after tracing has been started, click the Service and then click Server Log.

To view a user's trace file on the server after a trace is captured and saved to the server:

  1. Select a user.
  2. Right-click and select Trace Facility.

To refresh the messages in the console, click File > Refresh.

Related topics

  • Setting trace levels
  • Log and trace messages
  • Top of page Table of contents